As featured in...

AND I have a saying when it comes to fear: let’s put on our brave boots. I don’t expect myself to brave all the time. But I know we ARE powerful. And, on the other side of fear is freedom.
It's why I've created a week where you can get out of your own way and do the thing with LOVE and JOY.
I’ve travelled the world, written two novels, quit my teaching job and founded a company. Along the way there were lots of little moments which required courage. Telling someone I loved them. Saying no. Asking for help .
Now I want to share what I know with you.
Through live teaching and group coaching you'll discover...
My tried and tested process to help you stop self-sabotaging and make real change.
How to focus on what's on the other side of fear
How quieten the noise and get clear on aligned action
​How much power you’re giving to fear (of judgment, failure, shame…) and how to reclaim it
When your fear voice (aka your inner critic) gets loud and how to handle it
​A way to take action which feels exciting and joyful!
How to use self-compassion to support yourself
The absolute magic of a group container where there is unstoppable momentum!
If you’ve been holding off having the conversation, putting yourself out there, wearing clothes you love, making plans that feel good to you or taking the next step join me for an incredible week of aligned action – delivered with a whole lot of love.
Chose from an all access ticket – £11 including group coaching – or get your very own coach to support you through the process, with two thirty minute sessions for the absolute bargain price of £33 (these sessions usually cost hundreds).

About your host...
Jo Bell is a qualified writing for wellbeing facilitator, transformational coach and author. She founded Write to Thrive™ in 2020, after expressive writing helped her recover from severe depression and anxiety. She is still learning, exploring and discovering and believes that self-compassion is the basis for living a more loving life.
She lives in the Scottish Highlands with her dog Hope.
It's for you if...
You know fear is holding you back and would love things to change
You are stuck in unhelpful patterns
You compare your to others instead of focusing on what’s right for you
You know you’d benefit from support
You’re open-hearted and ready and willing to participate​
Swing on by if...
You don’t have the time to watch the trainings (live or on replay). Be honest!
You don’t let fear stop you
You aren’t willing to implement the teachings and take action.
You only want to work with me one-to-one - go here instead!