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Transform Your Self-Talk



Welcome to Day Two 💥 


Yesterday we started noticing what has been playing out for you in terms of your self-talk.


Now we start disrupting the pattern. 


When you notice any of the criticisms from yesterday arise simply say: STOP, with a physical gesture. This can be putting your hand out, clicking your fingers or clapping three times.


Anything that establishes a change in the cycle. 


Follow the physical action with words that land in your body, e.g.


I don’t think I deserve that. 

That's not true. 

That's not fair.  


Your self-talk is it's been running on autopilot for years. By bringing this into our conscious awareness and starting to challenge what we are saying to ourselves we lay the foundations of transforming our self-talk.


BONUS: Share your action and how it feels in the facebook group

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