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Ready to step into your most
powerful era ever?


Feel good in your body, empowered in your mind and build the momentum you need to make the your dream-life inevitable.

Imagine for a second that you have…


Freed yourself from the self-criticism that stops you from loving and expressing who you really are 


Discovered exactly what it means to be your true authentic self


Connected to your invaluable worth


Are calling in relationships where you feel seen, loved and respected 


Turned away from the fear of what other people think and toward making bold, confident choices 


OWNED your unique gifts so fiercely that you’re a walking advertisement for the work you do 


Started taking unstoppable action towards creating the life that you say you’ve wanted for years


Ignited your spirit and are enlivened by new possibilities every day


Turned your light ALL the way up


By the way, this isn’t a dream. 


Introducing Luminous, the ten-week programme that will transform your the way you see yourself by giving you life-changing tools, practices and modalities that no one ever taught you. 


It's for you if you...

  • Spend your days criticizing yourself every time you look in the mirror, speak up in a meeting or post something online

  • Second-guess conversations with friends and tell yourself you’re boring them 

  • Can’t remember the last time you felt good about who you are

  • Hold back tears at the dinner table because you don’t know what to say that's honest

  • Purchase THAT DRESS and spiral into self-doubt questioning what people will think 

  • Spend hours scrolling instagram thinking when is it my turn

  • Feel like life has happened to you

  • Are stuck in people-pleasing and procrastination

  • Know deep down you have the potential to excel in work and business

  • Are filled with exciting ideas you never press play on

  • Abandon what you want in your relationships and act like you’re a cameo in someone else’s movie 

  • Feel so overwhelmed by life that you numb out on TV, social media and wine 

  • Have been secretly waiting for someone to rescue you

  • Feel a bit meh more than you'd like to admit

And you are so ready to...

  • Stop settling and putting yourself last

  • Wake up and feel enlivened by the day in front of you

  • Feel at ease in your body and empowered in your mind 

  • Attract the success you know you're meant for

  • Become your own biggest supporter

  • Express yourself by wearing, doing and saying what you want 

  • Have  fierce conversations and own your opinions

  • Value your time 

  • Magnetise soul friendships

  • Take action towards the life you want

The Modules


Learn why your inner critic flares up, what it’s really doing and how to turn the dial right down. Getting started on this straight away opens us up to deeper exploration and starts the journey of transforming your self-talk from the starting line.



Learn how to build a self-compassion practice that sticks and will be the basis for making change. When you know you’ve got yourself no matter what everything changes.



Uncover the core beliefs that are running your life and how to reprogram your mind out of restriction and limitation and into support and encouragement.



When a younger part of us lonely or scared it can exert so much power over the choices we make. Learn how to reparent and nurture your inner child so you take steps forward without fear stopping you. 



Following on from inner child you’ll learn how identify what you’re feeling, understand why it’s present and learn to truly release emotions, rather than recycle them. 



Decide on and implement the boundaries that protect what is most important to you in your life. Learn how to hold the line on what matters and implement unshakable standards. 



Identify where you are handing your power away and looking for validation and why. Learn the tools of tough conversations so you can handle them with ease



Stop shrinking and start owning your unique gifts. What are the things which make you you? As we move into visioning we strip away all the shoulds and start getting clear on what you want and choose.


Our final step on the journey is to reflect on everything you’ve freed yourself from and define exactly what is next. A celebration and declaration of what is to come. 

What you get for
your YES 

  • A ten-week journey beginning on Monday 4th March

  • Live group coaching calls where we go deep on EXACTLY what is holding you back

  • Somatic and nervous system practices to expand your body with your mind

  • A glorious community of women who are ready to rise together 

  • Journaling prompts to cut out the noise and connect to the real you

  • Rituals and playlists to enrich the experience and make it stick.


What participants say...


“ It's a focused time to help you rediscover your most authentic self. A time to challenge the beliefs and stories you've heard about yourself over the course of your life-time, and gently navigate through those to unearth your core beliefs. It's such a safe and special place where you are seen, heard, supported and encouraged to be who you are without any judgment; a rich environment where real, sustainable growth happens.”

Who I am 

Hey, I'm Jo - a  transformational coach, writing for well-being specialist, author and speaker. 


More importantly, I've been where you are. 


I spent decades beating myself up, behaving like a sub-character in my own life and never feeling good enough.


Then, I did the work to heal, grow and transform. I started owning and loving who I was, something I had never thought possible.


Now, I'll share the exact techniques that got me here so that you can do the same - and we'll have a lot of fun along the way. 


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